The Puppet
I wiLL uSE the PAtheTIC huMAN as I caNNOT use mY BOdy aS it is FaLLING to PiECES… NOThing is HOLDiNG mE toGETHER… A BiTTER yoUNG mAN… HE has REVEnge oN HiS mIND… aS do I… hE IS my puPPET!
I wiLL uSE the PAtheTIC huMAN as I caNNOT use mY BOdy aS it is FaLLING to PiECES… NOThing is HOLDiNG mE toGETHER… A BiTTER yoUNG mAN… HE has REVEnge oN HiS mIND… aS do I… hE IS my puPPET!